To investment in share capital of any private limited company and or public limited
company, listed securities or not. To undertake and carry on the business of locally
trading, Import of electronics, commodity goods, Distribution, supply, commission
agent, sole distributor, all types of tradable goods, Agriculture produce, Import,
Processing, Supply, all kinds of permissible products, agricultural commodities and
carry on the business of meat processing, export to another country across the
world To produce, purchase, import, distribute, sell all sorts of food, food products,
rice, wheat, flour, milk, milk-products, meat, meat products, and deal in baby food,
biscuits, bread, lemon drops, chocolates, & candy, candy, ice-cream, coffees,
lozenges, condensed milk, soup restorative or other kinds of food preparations
suitable for babbles and children, invalids, convalescents and all types of
agricultural products, vegetables, animal products.

To undertake and establish industrial projects, factories, processing plants and
laboratories for research and development of all products dealt with by the
Company in this country and in foreign lands under joint venture or any other
means of financing and implementing such endeavors. To undertake or establish
any concern to deal with agricultural activities-like milk processing, cropping,
forestry, lumbering, fisheries, livestock, poultry on commercial basis.